I was just wondering if people thought it would be a good idea to combine the standard typing with the touch typing feature. I ask this because I think it would b cool to be able
to swipe right or left like you currently can on touch typing and once you find the letter, number, symbol, or character you want, you could simply double
tap and it will be selected.
For example, in touch typing during a text, you could touch type the character you want such as "a,"then instead of going to the part of the keyboard corresponding with "m," you could simply flick to the right until you hear m and then double tap and it would be selected.
Another example would be touch typing letters and then switching to the number mode where there are numbers and punctuations. without havingĀ to rotate
and select a different typing mode, you could simply flick right or left on the symbols in order to find something like an apostrophie. Likewise when using the emogy
keyboard, you wouldn't have to change the typing mode to standard or touch, but simply click right or left to choose the emoticon image and then double
tap to slect it.
Currently on the touch typing mode, you can flick right or left after placing your finger on a character and lifting to have it selected. However, you cannot
double tap to slect the next character, but you can tripple tap to select the character twice in a row. For example, when in touch typing mode, you can
flick through characters until you reach the letter "t," and triple tappingĀ will type out "t" twice and you are left with a double "tt." Double tapping
does nothing at all in touch typing mode.
I just thought it would be cool to have touch typing and standard typing integrated into one mode so that the voice over user could choose how they would like
to interact with the various keyboards while inputting texts, urls, phone numbers, searches, emails, or other information.
probably a good idea to send this to [email protected]
email apple
a bit confused
Not convinced
attempt to clarify
sorry about spelling mistakes
One other question
this is very complicated
response to one other question
mispelled again
learn your keyboard
I agree with Patrick and william
I really agree with those
I too don't seem to follow
punctuation and emogy keyboard are rememberable?
can flick in touch typing and triple tap to select twice in row
Swiping when touch typing would be inefficient
the point remains, you can swipe while touch typing anyway
I get it but....
I think I understand what
Emogy keyboard
how to get emogy keyboard
Idea about integrating touch typing and standard typing into one
Keep keyboard choices as they are
I agree, I hate flexy with
You guys still think this is a bad idea?
Just wondering if some of you still think this is a bad idea. Just wondering...
Personally I wouldn't like this idea
Hi! I can see where you're coming from, wanting to combine the two typing modes in IOS so that you don't have to use the rotor to change from standard typing to touch typing and vice versa. However, speaking for myself, such a way of typing, swiping to each letter or number or symbol then double-tapping it, sounds even slower than standard typing mode. I have personally used touch typing mode for nearly three years, since I got my first iPhone: I tried standard typing, but double-tapping each letter or number frustrated me so much that I changed to touch typing mode within several minutes. That's just me, though, and we're not all the same, so maybe others out there will agree with your suggestion more than I do.
As said, just curious
As said, just wondering about people's opinions
I disagree as well. Combining
I disagree as well. Combining these two would make getting started very hard for novice users. I have used thouch typing since my first VoiceOver enabled device in 2010 and feel no need for the standard typing combination. My suggestion is also to take time and learn the keyboard, thus increasing as well the speed of typing. I can almost type now with out any feedback from VoiceOver. Also I know where the punctuation marks are, so dragging the finger around and exploring the screen to find some rarely used ones doesn't really take so much time.
Finally the emoji - I don't use this much, I prefer words, since they are imo way more sincere and better than some weird images and blablabla, as said before by many others, its a personal choice, but for emoji, you could do the following, wich doesn't take so much time:
1. switch to emoji keyboard.
2. tap the send/activate/whatever button which makes the keyboard go away.
3. Flick to the emoji you want.
4. triple tap.
5. Press delete once.
Honestly, if you prefer flicking, this takes lot of less time than switching to standard typing mode via rotor.
Hope this helps.
I use nothign but standard
I use nothign but standard typing, ic an type at almost 3-4 or maybe even 5 wpm. I'm quite slower at standard now. And as for the imogy I use it to tell stores to my family and friends. lol!
Isn't it interesting that we have choice?
I think its pretty cool that we all have a choice of how we would like to use our IIOS devices.
Disagree Also
I also do not agree that the proposal would add all that much to utility or efficiency. Moreover, even though I like Fleksy and use it most of the time, I think it would be a serious error to add it to the typing modes available via the iOS. Why? Because an app can and usually is updated *far* more often than is the iOS. Hence, if there's an error, keeping Fleksy as an app rather than having it integrated into the iOS allows squashing of bugs far more rapidly than we'd otherwise see. I don't know about you guys and gals but I would like to keep my keyboard more-or-less immune from iOS bug creep.
So this is an ios 8 feature now
So disagree, agree, whatever you like. This is a feature now in all touch typing elements. When touch typing in the messages, mail, and safari, a user can touch type, double tap to select a character or symbol or emogy, and hold and tap with second finger.
Actually ther's direct touch
Actually ther's direct touch now. which is like fleksy in a way. I don't knwo as I can't right now dl the gm but give it a try.