It’s called “Code Quest” compatible with voice over and it’s by AFB. It’s free!!! Can someone please add a new game link for everyone else. I don’t know how to do that part.
By Blind angel 444, 19 June, 2020
iOS and iPadOS Gaming
submiting content.
when you submit content, it has a box for app store link.
i cannot find this game. is it on the usa appstore?
I got it and will look at it soon.
i can't find it...
Interested to play this game
I am interested to play the game but I cannot find it in the App Store either.
If someone has the link can that person share the link so people can get the game?
i have an idea.
what kind of app does afb made? if i can find their other app, then i can find.
iPad Only
CodeQuest is developed by APH, and is only available for iPad. You can download it here:
more info is needed
Can you at least tell people something about the game to help determine if we are interested in playing it? All we have, maybe, is the name of the game. I will not download an unknown. Thanks.
more info is needed
Can you at least tell people something about the game to help determine if we are interested in playing it? All we have, maybe, is the name of the game. I will not download an unknown. Thanks.
Description and Information
A little snippet that I copied from the AppStore that gives a better description of the app. It isn't a game for say but more of an educational game for young ones. As mentioned above it is only for the iPad, but it is completely free to use.
"CodeQuest is an interactive game designed to teach coding logic to preschool and early elementary students. Students learn new skills as they navigate a series of grids that increase in difficulty as the game progresses. CodeQuest was created for use by blind, visually impaired, and sighted students alike, making it ideal for use by an entire class!
CodeQuest is easy to learn. Players help an astronaut return to his ship by devising a series of commands to guide him. The solution with the least number of steps earns the highest possible score. The grids get increasingly complex as the game progresses. This allows for the introduction of concepts like sequencing and looping.
In addition to all the game fun and coding concepts, students also benefit from the computational thinking used throughout CodeQuest. This includes the ability to: develop a solution to a problem; to recognize patterns and trends; and to identify the best among multiple possible solutions to a problem."
Hope that helps
- Thomas
Sounds a little like Swift
Sounds a little like Swift Playgrounds, which kind of makes me want an iPad to play with it. lol
Same with the Ballyland apps
They are free and also educational section too.
I still can not find.
Hello. When I wrote the name codequest, some thing else shows up.
Link to the AppStore
Would highly recommend that you use the link that Sarah mentioned several comments back that will take you directly to the app on the iPad AppStore.
Also, note that it is more than likely only in the United states store.