Is there an accessible way of playing DND on iPhone?

By Unregistered User (not verified), 29 November, 2018

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Hi is there away that I can play Dnd on my iPhone with Voiceover on Safari?or an app?



By Dave Matters on Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 20:13

I play Pathfinder, which is an open source game based on and very similar to D and D. I play using an app called Hero Lab created by Wolf Lair. It works great for character creation. It works great with VO. The only part which is not accessible is the part that tracks hit points. For those I use an app called Tally counters. There are also some buttons which aren’t quite labeled , but I label them, and they are easy enough to work around. The app is free if you just want to use it as a character sheet for a character that has already been created using Hero Lab for the computer. You can purchase a license so you can create characters using the app. Hero Lab is a totally awesome app. I have been unable to rp for years, and now with Hero Lab on my iPad I can play again.

I would be interested in a game online if anyone wants to see ab out getting one started. Would be a great use of the new Facetime feature although 32 people is way too big of a party. That would be epic though I guess.

Hero Lab calculates a lot of your stats for you and has dice rolling built in also. I also use an app called Natural 20 for dice rolling.

As I stated earlier, Pathfinder, is open source, which means all the rules and information is available for free online. Check out the two following websites for more information. Also a link for Hero Lab’s developers.
Morzorak, my online handle is also the name of my favorite and one of my first Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition characters.




Please note, from what I have found Hero Lab online is not and most likely will not be accessible. I have not tried it yet as it has a subscription cost, so it is just a guess.

Hero Lab is only for the iPad, is not available for the iPhone, and I am unaware if it is available for the Mac.

I hope this helps. I can talk all day about this stuff, but I need coffee.
Dave “Morzorak” Matters ...

By Blind Adrenaline on Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 20:13

In reply to by Dave Matters

Hey Dave, I'd be interested in the possibilities of getting a campaign over facetime, skype etc. started.
I played D and D in my youth, but it has been a long time.
As I stated in the D20 thread, I am trying to get our kids interested in RPG, and to that end, I've downloaded a starter .pdf called Hero Kids and I am going to try my hand as a GM.
I don't have an iPad, but I was thinking of just setting up some notepads on my laptop to track the game and keep notes. Hero Kids is a stripped down version of an RPG so the rules are fairly simple.
Hopefully, using the Natural D20 app you suggested and keeping notes on the laptop , I can run the game fairly smoothly.
Any tips or advice greatly appreciated.

By Imaginingstuff on Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 20:13

Love it! I am sort of a newbie with path finder but have rped practically my whole long life and love it. I am [email protected] I am admittedly a busy being but if it were a small game for a few hours a week I'd throw my hat into that ring.

By Kai on Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 20:13

I was told, buy another player in a different game up, about and accessible hard cast for dungeons and dragons. Don’t know if you want to check it out or not. Other than that, I don’t have any idea. Hope it helps and good luck. ( sorry, that was supposed to be Pod Cast.)

By Greg Wocher on Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 20:13

I actually listen to several DnD podcasts. There is Critical Hit, Freeroll5, Opportunity Roll and This is going to hurt. Critical Hit is pretty good. This one has been around for 10 or so years. Several times it has done campaigns based on other systems. They have done Call of Kuthulu, Urban Shadows and they did a western campaign based on Pathfinder. Just do a search for dungeons and dragons in your podcast player and you can find them along with others. I listen to these because they are actively running campaigns.

Greg Wocher

By Dave Matters on Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 20:13

I have often simply had Siri, Alexa, and/or Google roll dice for me.

Usually you can just say “trigger word” roll a “d” whatever and they will do it. I just tested it and Google and Alexa will roll multiple dice, like 2d6. Siri was however not quite accommodating .

By Dave Matters on Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 20:13

Partially off topic, if you have an Echo device, there is an rpg skill called Dungeon Adventure. Just have Alexa start/launch/open Dungeon Adventure. It. Is pretty cool.

By Adaria on Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 20:13

The best app for this I know is RPG Scribe, they have one for Pathfinder and 3.5 DnD and I believe they have a 5E edition app as well. RPG Scribe lets you create characters of many sorts but not let you roll dice in the app, but it is a great tool for keeping track of your character sheets.

By Blind Adrenaline on Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 20:13

I was poking around on my Echo, and found the skill named Dungeon Sounds, it is pretty cool. Just say enable dungeon sounds and away you go.
Pretty slick ambient sounds for your gaming sessions.

By Imaginingstuff on Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 20:13

I'd really like a small group, like 4 or 5 people. I'd like to DM but I am still too new to know the rules. I can do the stories though! I could do a Wednesday evening after work if anyone is game.

By Blind Adrenaline on Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 20:13

In reply to by Imaginingstuff

I too am interested in trying a game out, as Dave suggested, possibly via FaceTime. I'm not sure how much leeway we have here, since this doesn't necessarily seem to be on topic for AppleVis, but feel free to email if anyone wants to explore the possibilities of getting a game going. Email is: blindadrenaline at gmail dot com

By Dave Matters on Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 20:13

Anyone interested in an online game of Pathfinder send me an email I will compile a list of people interested. Please include days and times you would be available. Also include how often you are interested in playing. I will give it a couple of days for interested parties to email and then if nothing else, forward the names and emails to everyone else and see what we can get put together. Also put in the email if you are wanting or interested in being the game master. Email with the subject of internet pathfinder to [email protected] Dave ...

By tyler chambliss on Saturday, June 13, 2020 - 20:13

I'd be interested in a campaign. As for apps every campaign I've played which is only one, we would play on team talk and use the website rollz to roll. It's cool because I can type exactly what I want to roll. Example, 1 d6+2d8 and press roll. Really easy.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Saturday, June 13, 2020 - 20:13

I don't know any iPhone-specific apps, but I do have some helpful tips. I got into D&D myself about 2 months ago and have been having a fun time. First off, check out Knights of The Braille. They are a D&D group who run games specifically for the blind. They have resources for character sheets and will periodically run games for newbies. That's where I got my character sheets that I use.

Second, check out Avrae on Discord. It's a D&D bot which can import character sheets from a number of websites, including DnDBeyond. Once imported, you can run a game entirely through the bot. You could also use it just for dice rolls, such as "!r 1d20+8" to roll a d20 with a +8 modifier. The formulas can get more complex than that. It's pretty good at that sort of thing. Siri can also do dice rolls. You can ask her stuff like "roll 3d6" to roll 3 six-sided dice or "roll 1d10" to roll one ten-sided die. I don't recommend trying to find Braille RPG dice. You can get a Braille d6 easy enough, but good luck trying to find a Braille d20 that isn't huge, 3D-printed, and expensive. There are seven in a full set. Finding all of them in Braille sounds like a good way to make yourself miserable and noticeably poorer.

Lastly, have patience. D&D requires you to keep track of a dizzying number of stats. It's complex and intimidating, kinda like Linux. Through organization and a little perseverance, you can figure it out. I like to keep an ultra-simplified character sheet on hand with only the most vital info and keep my main character sheet at the ready in the background. Word and Excel or Pages and Numbers will be your saviors. Once you've got a good grasp on the basics, the other pieces will start to fall into place. DDG/Google is your best friend when it comes to looking up info on classes, items, and spells. The most important (and only) goal of D&D is to have a good time. It can be done. It's just a pain doing it blind.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Saturday, June 13, 2020 - 20:13

In reply to by Unregistered User (not verified)

Thanks for telling me about the discord server avrae, Can you send me the link so I can join the server?

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Saturday, June 13, 2020 - 20:13

In reply to by Unregistered User (not verified)


Avrae is a bot, not a server. Here is the link.

I use it only for basic dice rolls, but it can do a whole lot more.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Saturday, June 13, 2020 - 20:13

Here is the link for their website.

They have character sheet templates as well as a Discord server where they host sessions for new players. They also have some PDFs with basic info about D&D lore and offer links to accessible guidebooks, one of their links going to DnDBeyond.

By tyler chambliss on Saturday, June 13, 2020 - 20:13

Well, looks like I need to get into discord. Although, it would be cool for some of us to possibly get a group facetime, zoom, etc. and play. Also possibly making a daisy book for blind people specifically. Not necessarily rewriting the handbook from Wizzards Of The Coast but more of a Jonathan Mosen style approach.

By Katia on Saturday, June 13, 2020 - 20:13

I'd say that with a text editor, and a Dungeon Master who's willing to help you with a set up, you don't really need an app. There are lots of digital dice-rollers online, or most smartphones will roll them for you. There are also braille dice you can purchase, or have someone make you a set if you know anyone with a 3d printer (just search braille dice online and you'll find the pattern). For combat, I just either have my fellow players move me into position, or I play in groups that do theater of the mind combat. As for character sheets, I just keep mine up manually in my word processor. And literally all the player materials are on DndBeyond. It does cost some money to purchase them, but once you do, you have access to them on your laptop, or phone. I believe they now have digital dice on the site as well, and they've got an app in beta to let you control your character sheet with an app. That site is probably the best thing that's happened to accessible gaming in a while.
Also, if anyone's interested, I run a twitter account called TheDarkvisionDM, where I talk about accessible D&D. I haven't put up a ton of new content lately, because I've been exhausted, but I'm hoping to make it a helpful resource, and a fun account to follow, if anyone wants to check it out.