Does anyone know if there is such a thing as a perkins style bluetooth keybord for the IPhone? I currently have the hable1 and I like it but typing braille with the keys in a vertical fassion instead of a perkins style layout is going to take some getting use to. If there is one thing I would change about the hable1 so far it would be that. Perhaps they designed it that way because of the size.
By Troy, 4 November, 2023
Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories
The orbit writer
The orbit writer. I don’t have one yet. Give me a few weeks i will have one.
Hable 1
You could also check out Hable 1 I’m poor enough as is and these don’t really fit a good use case for me but the Hable and the Orbit Writer are your best bets from what I’ve read.
In-built braille keyboard
And of course, there is the in-built braille keyboard that every Iphone comes with, which is easy to write with.
orbit writer
The orbit writer is a perkins style keyboard and offers multi device support, apple watch support, mac and windows support along with Android support.