Is there a Mac equivalent to Frotz on iOS?

By Jessica Brown, 15 July, 2015

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi. Is there something I can use on the Mac that is like Frotz on iOS and if there is, what is it called and is it accessible? Thank you.



By matt on Friday, August 7, 2015 - 04:42

Hey there. I use Zoom. It excepts most zcode stories and also supports tads and a couple other types of games. Is quite accessible. The only part i have trouble with is when you bring up ingame hint menues and that kind of thing. Not a deal breaker though. The link is
I hope that helps :)

By Jessica Brown on Friday, August 7, 2015 - 04:42

Thank you. I will try that.

By Devin Prater on Friday, August 7, 2015 - 04:42

I mostly like Zoom, but gosh it freezes too much. I really hope that a good IF interpreter app and a good MUD client could one day be coded by the plenty of app developers on this site.

By dvdmth on Friday, August 7, 2015 - 04:42

i stopped using Zoom because of a number of bugs that have gone unfixed for a very long time. In particular, it has problems playing some of the original Infocom games from the 1980s, which I think is inexcusable for a Z-Machine interpreter.

You can install the UNIX version of Frotz for playing in the command line via the Terminal app, but that does not work well with VoiceOver. I have experimented with other interactive fiction interpreters, but I have yet to find any I like which work properly with VoiceOver. You would think this could be done relatively easily, but I guess there just isn't enough interest in the genre anymore.