Learning Logic Pro X For Podcasting: Useful Or Not?

By DudeLove721, 27 December, 2020

macOS and Mac Apps

Hey all, I've about the accessibility of Logic Pro X on here and after getting some app store gift cards for Christmas, I was thinking of getting the app to do audio production on my podcast.

My questions are: 1) Is it effective to use in this context? I currently manage with a mix of editing through Amadeus Pro (normalizing, cut/pasting tasks) and an Audacity plugin with a preset for compression (since the app itself is inaccessible.) At the end of the day, it's tedious to use two programs, I'm still not satisfied with the audio and need something to help lip smacking noises along with a deezer. (sp?)

Amadeus Pro isn't bad software but I feel like it lacks more customization. I'd like to fiddle with compression settings some more and possibly find other plug-ins to address my other audio issues.

2) The big thing though is that I'm an audio novice. Are there free resources available to help blind users learn what they're doing pretty much from the ground up? I feel like learning the software would be really beneficial moving forward, but I'm no musician or audiophile. I'd still be teaching myself for practical use and want to know I can do it since the app still isn't cheap.

Any advice or opinions would be very welcome. Thanks in advance!



By Macky on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - 04:31

You'll find a brilliant and very comprehensive guide to using Logic Pro with voiceover at www.logic.band and there is a custom keyboards command list there you can download and install within Logic. There is also an excellent series of tutorials on the Logic Band youtube page. I use both logic and Amadeus, and although Logic is a steeper learning curve it's definitely worth it in the long run. Good luck!

By Bruce Harrell on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - 04:31

Hi. It took me several years to wade through a fraction of the shoe boxes stuffing the semi truck that is my personal image of Logic Pro X, and during those couple years I had the advantage of being privately tutored by the guy who I believe set up logic.band.

Note: I still have a long way to go before I've finished learning what can be learned and mastered of that software.

In your case, I imagine you'll only need to learn one of the shoe boxes in that enormous truck load. Remember, the entire Logic Pro X semi tractor truck is stuffed with shoe boxes, and all the shoe boxes are stuffed with baseball cards. Each baseball card has fine print. Learning one shoe box is a major undertaking, even with a private tutor. Do you need more than one shoe box to learn how to do podcasts on Logic Pro? I doubt it. Do you need a sledge hammer to kill a bug? I doubt it. I mean, it'll work, but you can kill that bug a lot easier than using a 30 pounds sledge hammer.

Logic Pro X is probably one of the biggest, if not the absolute biggest sledge hammer out there. If I were you, I'd figure out exactly what you need your podcast software to do and then find something with a much better learning curve, something a lot more simple and straightforward. Mind, you will be hard pressed to find any better app than Logic Pro X to do all things audio, but you'd also probably be hard pressed to find anything that will squash a bug better than a 30 pound sledge hammer.

Frankly, I don't think I'd even use Garage Band, which is the cut down version of Logic Pro X. Garage Band is also a bit of a sledge hammer, just not as heavy.

Maybe you can search apples.com for podcast apps? I've seen quite a few of them. I just don't remember their names.

Good luck!
