an update to Alon dictaphone is coming with VoiceOver magic tap support!

By Unregistered User (not verified), 31 October, 2019

iOS and iPadOS

Hello guys,

Their is an update coming for Alon dictaphone with VoiceOver magic tap support, as well as the ability to start/pause recordings using a remote control on earphones that support it. At this time, it's currently in beta testing right now, and I'm currently testing the update that will be coming to the appstore, which is version 1.1.7. If you would like to join the beta, please email: [email protected] and let them know you're interested in joining the beta.
Their's a toggle switch to turn the function on/off in settings of the app itself. once publicly available, you can have it start/pause recording, or start/pause playback when turned off. I'm happy to be apart of the beta team, and I cannot wait to use it officially when it becomes available to the general public. again, please email the team at the address provided above if interested.
