Two-finger swipe to the right: What does it do? Is it new?

By René Jaun, 30 March, 2019

iOS and iPadOS

I was trying some gestures in the VoiceOver Help Mode (double-tap with four fingers).
And I discovered that VoiceOver announced an action I haven‘t heard before. It‘s announced when I swipe to the right with two fingers. It says something like: Skip to associated content. (I have my iPhone set to German and tried to translate it as best I could. It probably announces it differently in English though).
So far I haven‘t yet found a place where this gesture actually does anything.
Does anyone know where it is used?

Best Regards; René



By Tangela on Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 21:43

Can confirm both that the translation here is essentially correct and OP's results actually using this gesture in places. If anyone encounters a result where it actually does something, I'd definitely be curious of the circumstances. Op, are you using the betas? Its possible that its something being worked on for a future update.

By René Jaun on Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 21:43

Nope, I‘m on the latest official IOS 12.2. Not enrolled in IOS Beta.

By Tyler on Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 21:43

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

I have used this command on the iPad, but not the iPhone. For example, if I am browsing my inbox in the Mail app, I can flick right with two fingers to jump to the message view on the right of the screen. There may be other uses, but this is the one I am aware of.

By Piotr Machacz on Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 21:43

On a bluetooth keyboard, this command is set to pressing VO+J. On the Mac, this command is used to, well, move to another related item which is somehow connected to what you're looking at. Just like Tyler said, if you were to press this on Mac OS while in the mail app, it'd move you from the list of mailboxes to the list of messages, or from the list of messages to the message contents. In the Messages app, it moves from the list of messages to the edit field letting you write one. My guess is this feature does the same thing on iOS, but because it's so new developers haven't yet used it to set up these relationships between controls in their apps.