Help! Paid for the full version of KNFB Reader, but only got the trial version!

By David, 27 August, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

I have vision issues so I was looking for am good text to speech program and KNFB seemed like a good option, be it expensive. I payed the $99.99 required to buy the app and then, once the app downloaded, found out I only had the Trial version which only lets you take 25 pictures. If I wanted to have the full version I would have to fork over another $99.99 cents.

I tried calling Tech Support, but the extension in its own phone menu doesn't work. I sent them an E-Mail but haven't gotten a reply.

Is this how the app is meant, that you have to pay $199.98 to have the full version, or was there a bug and I just got ripped off?

I am using an iPhone 5



By riyu12345 (not verified) on Sunday, September 13, 2015 - 03:18


I'd get a refund if possible, that doesn't sound right and the KNFB reader teem has said there was a bug with the trial version of 2.0.

here is the page to get a refund.

Log in with your username and password, find the app; then click on the report a problem button under the app. After this; you'll find a Combo box, click on that then choose a reason for reporting a problem.

Write your reason for wanting a refund, then click on submit.

After this; you'll get a response in a couple of days.

By Igna Triay on Sunday, September 13, 2015 - 03:18

Hi David. I check the app store for Knfb Reader, and I found it. Personally I don't have the app, since I am fully blind. However the app has a in-app purchase to buy the unlimited
version for $99.99 this is A definite rip off . You should try to get a refund if possible.

By riyu12345 (not verified) on Sunday, September 13, 2015 - 03:18

Hi Igna.

KNFB reader is an app for those who are blind and VI. It allows you to take a picture of an item and will read the text that is on said item.

I have the app and think it's one of the best apps on my phone.

I'd still say get a refund as quick as you can. It's an amazing app but like I said before; the devs did say that there were issues with version 2.0 and paying for the full version of the app.

By david s on Sunday, September 13, 2015 - 03:18


The app is 99 USD. With the older version, you paid up front with no in app purchases.

With the new version, it sounds like they are trying the in app purchase so people can try before they buy. A free trial.

I agree. You should request for a refund until the developers figure out how they will sell the app.

I wonder which way KNFB will go. If they stay with the in app scheme, family sharing will not work. But if they charge up front, you will not be able to try before you buy.

HTH and good luck.

By Toonhead on Sunday, September 13, 2015 - 03:18

I don't believe it's a rippoff, as the app has saved my bacon more times than I can count. I would definitely request a refund, though, or at least talk to someone and see if you can get the whole version. After all, you did pay the whole price, and you should get the product.

By Siobhan on Sunday, September 13, 2015 - 03:18

It's established he should get the refund. as well, he should consider when getting the receipt, there's a report a problem. Say something like, you didn't mean to buy the ap,as you really didn't. As for Jason who's decided it's a rip off. Get it, test it out, it's free you should like that. Then delete before you have to pay the godly price that you're so unwilling to pay. If you don't have it, why bother commenting on it? I like using it, and when the trial expires, I'll just wait for an update as i too have bought the full version.

By Jesus R on Sunday, September 13, 2015 - 03:18

Hi, I've not used KNFB before, but in most apps where in app purchases are in the app, there is normaly a restore in app purchases button. Is this the case, have you tried it? If not, then I would agree, see about getting a refund or see if the devs can do something about it, maybe give you a code.

By Toonhead on Sunday, September 13, 2015 - 03:18

Here's some contact details for the KNFB Reader app. Email: [email protected]
twitter: @knfbreader
and their website is:
Hopefully David can use one of those methods to contact the devs. The restore purchase option, if it exists in the app, is also another excellent idea.