Messages, recordings, navigating with braille displays

By a woman, 27 July, 2014

Braille on Apple Products

Hello ...

I much prefer controlling my iPhone with a braille display to tapping the screen. Except that one cannot use the display to start controlling the phone once the screen is locked, I think it works great. But, when I've sent someone an iMessage with a video or recording attached for example, and I then open the message and listen to the recording, there is no way to return to the message. I'm 'stuck' in the 'window of the recording'. I have to tap the bottom right 'corner' of the screen to see what else is there and press the Back button.
Please don't tell me there's no work around for this :-( ... Isn't there a way to navigate to that 'corner' on the screen with a braille display? I haven't found any way to do this :-( .
Has anyone else noticed this? And if so, have you found some work around, or do you just tap the screen and not use your display?

Thank you so much for any advice!



By Chris Norman on Friday, August 8, 2014 - 13:13

This is going to sound really rude, but it's honestly not meant too.

The iPhone uses a touch screen interface, which I know sounds obvious, but what it means is that there's a few situations where the screen simply has to be used. I don't think that window can be dispatched with a bluetooth keyboard either.

Sorry, but I hope this helps some.


By Fleurppel on Friday, August 8, 2014 - 13:13

In reply to by Chris Norman

I don't send videos or recordings through Messages (I'm waiting for iOS8 before I do), but I do know that Braille displays are not an end-all solution for iPhone control. I just purchased a RefreshaBraille18 (I call it Jordy) and absolutely love it, but there's some things Braille displays just don't do for the reason Chris said: The iPhone is a touch screen environment. If, however, there was something that was most likely to work, it would be dots 456-chord.

As someone who has hand tremmors and a difficult time interacting with the touch screen, I empathize with your frustration.

Thanks for the input!
I posted this question to the 'App Discussion forum' because I have come across this issue only in the Message app. So, does this happen in any other (system) apps? I only come across this issue when I open a video or recording atached to a message. As far as I can tell, in all other apps, it is possible to navigate to every item with a braille display. So it is indeed extremely frustrating and annoying that this particular window cannot be 'found' with a braille display, since one has to 'search' for the phone just to tap that corner on the screen. One should be able to use the rotor to navigate to that window! There should not be windows that are impossible to find with a display! Use of the rotor should make it possible to navigate everywhere! Don't you agree?
Frustrating :-( .
Thanks for empathising with me :-) !
But other than that, sending videos or recordings via iMessage works just fine with iOS 7.