contacting apple about issues with braille on ios

By the grumpy apple, 8 February, 2021

Braille on Apple Products

Hey apple vis
I am using an ipad mini 5 on ios 14. It is paired with a braille sense u2 and refreshabraille 18. I have used these displays with this ipad and my mini 4 with ios 13. I have been experiencing issues that don't seem to be getting resolved. First, I am losing connection intermittently. However, when my display is disconnected, it reconnects with in seconds. This is a major inconvenience when typing in a large document. Secondly, I'm having an issue where the braille cursor jumps around randomly when editing text. These issues happen with combinations of both ipads and both displays. I have attempted to contact apple about this matter. Although they have replied, nothing seems to be done. I'm extremely frustrated with the state of afairs of braille support on ios. Not only Iassist blind elementary school students with braille and technology. With the issues present with braille, I can't recommend an ipad and display to be a viable tech sollution for my students. Does anybodth have any advice on how to contact apple about this? I want to contact them constructively and respectfully, but in a manner that will get them to take braille on ios more seriously. Idon't really want to petition apple's accessibility department, but if my attempts to contact them appear to be fruitless, that may be the next step.



By Chris Hill on Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 03:39

I don't know of anything you can do besides emailing them. I guess a pc with a screen reader is likely to be the most accessible method for getting real work done.

By the grumpy apple on Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 03:39

I tried emailing them several times a couple years back, but they seemed dismissive. They said that they'd look into it, but dothing yet. Maybe I'll try again and be more urgent about it. Idon't want to be rude, but I want them to realize how important braille is for some users.

By Jo Billard on Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 03:39

Good luck! I was told that calling them is more effective than emailing. I was talking with Apple Accessibility about another matter and reported some problems I have been having with BSI ever since IOS 14, and I hope they take them seriously. One of the reasons I wanted an iPhone was that I had been told that Apple had excellent Braille support, but I guess I got my phone just at the time when they stopped taking it seriously.

It really disappoints me that braille is at the bottom of Apple's priority list. That doesn't surprise me either, being that I've had these issues since ios 13. I'll take your advice and call them. Maybe they'll give me the time of day.