Some users may experience less descriptive labels for Control Center toggles, including Lock Rotation

VoiceOver Announcements/Feedback


Some users may experience inconsistent and less descriptive labelling of Control Center toggles. For example, the toggle for locking device screen orientation may simply be announced as “Locked” or “Unlocked” rather than using the more descriptive label “Lock Rotation” that was present in previous iOS versions.

This degraded labelling does not appear isolated to any specific VoiceOver voice. Users of the Alex voice have reported experiencing the unclear labels, while others using Alex still hear the expected descriptive labels.

Additionally, isolated reports indicate similar degraded labelling for other Control Center toggles beyond just the orientation lock.

This bug seems to manifest unpredictably, affecting only a small subset of iOS 17 users. The inconsistent experience suggests an underlying issue, rather than a deliberate change in labelling.

Steps to reproduce

The switch is located in Control Center, however not all members of the AppleVis Editorial Team are experiencing this bug, so its precise cause is currently unclear.

Bug First Encountered

iOS/iPadOS 17.0

Device(s) bug has been encountered on


How often the bug occurs


Apple feedback #




Fixed In

iOS/iPadOS 17.1



By Curly on Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 05:05

I have a random control center thing that just says disabled don't know what that is???

By Jo Billard on Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 05:05

Also, what is light, what's disabled, and a few other things. I'm thinking More might want to stay away from my control center for a while because I don't know what the hell anything means anymore.

By Curly on Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 05:05

Is Light mean Dark Mode? I'm guessing you have it turned on because it's turned off for me and it just says "Dark" I actually caught onto that pretty quickly.

By Curly on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 05:05

If there's a thing right next to the Timer that says just "Adjustable" that's the length of the timer. And the one's just says disabled for me is low power mode. You just go to the actions rotor to "Open controls" you'll it'll say what it is