After clearing a notification from the Lock screen, VoiceOver may behave as if it were still present on screen

VoiceOver Announcements/Feedback


After clearing a notification from the Lock screen, VoiceOver may behave as if it were still present on screen. Specifically, after using the “Clear” option from the VoiceOver rotor, the notification is visually cleared from the Lock screen. However, when moving VoiceOver focus by flicking, you may find that VoiceOver navigation and feedback will behave as if the notification is still on screen.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Ensure that there are multiple notifications that will be displayed on the Lock screen or Notifications centre
  2. Ensure that VoiceOver is enabled
  3. Navigate to the Lock screen
  4. Place VoiceOver focus on to the first notification
  5. Select “Clear” from the VoiceOver rotor and double tap with 1-finger

The notification should now be removed visually from the screen

  1. If not moved automatically, place VoiceOver focus on to what is now the first notification listed (if there are no notifications, place focus on to the torch toggle)
  2. Flick left with 1-finger

You will find on occasions that VoiceOver will announce the notification that you cleared previously and which is no longer present on screen.

This does not appear to be a consistent bug, so may take a few attempts to reproduce.

Bug First Encountered

iOS 16.0

Device(s) bug has been encountered on


How often the bug occurs


Apple feedback #




Fixed In

iOS/iPadOS 16.1
