Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

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Hi, I was wondering if anyone lese is having an issue with lagging with their jambox. When I have my jawbone jambox parred with my iPhone 4s, there is a lag when I am swipping or typing in letters on the iphone. Also if I don't touch the iPhone for a few seconds then go to use the iPhone the behavior sems like something has gone to sleep because voiceover can't be heard for a couple of seconds. It seems like something is waking up. Don't know if this is a jambox issue, or an IOS 5 issue, not sure where to turn. Thanks for any help.
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Hello: I am considering the merits/feasibility of using a FreedomPop WiFi device with my iPhone 4S for internet access. The 4G service is not available in my area, but 3G is. I think 3G may be free, but I am not 100 percent clear on this. I understand that 3G is slower, but if it is actually free I can deal with this. It is my understanding that FreedomPop uses Sprint's 3G network. However, this shouldn't matter if I am connecting to the FreedomPop device via WiFi.
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hi, has anyone pre-ordered, or is getting the XR? i have the 7 at the moment, but the XR just sounds huge! i am due an upgrade now here in the UK with EE as part of the annual upgrade program, but have gotten used to my 7, and it runs quite well under ios 12. so unsure what to do, but feel the XR, is the route i would take. S

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Their website for support is. The number to contacts ultimate ears is +1 646-454-3200 The Twitter to reach out at is @ultimateears I have been using the UE MEGABOOM bluetooth speaker for The past three months and I find it to be an incredibly enjoyable experience. It has great audio and the bass response on it is very good. However I have run into a problem which I believe other users of this Bluetooth speaker should be aware of. .

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Hi All!

I bought my wife an iPhone 15 pro for an early Christmas present, and now we're trading in her old iPhone Xs, but we have around 6 or so battery cases for her old iPhone Xs. does anyone want the battery cases, anyone who lives in the US?If so, please email me your mailing address, and I'll ask my wife to mail them to you. Smile. The cases all work great. They double your battery life or more.

My email address is bbh at mind dot net.

Smile. Merry Christmas!



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Hey guys, Just purchased the Freedom Pro Bluetooth Keyboard. Has anyone found a website that lists where all the keys are located. If not, and someone is using it, can you let me know where the control, option/altt, command keys are located. Also can you let me know where these hot keys and special keys are located? Thanks so much.
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Hi All,
I recently purchased the 2020 iPad Air and the magic keyboard which Apple released earlier this year. This is the one which magnetically attaches, and also includes a trackpad.

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I recently purchased a new HomePod mini for our kitchen. After spending an entire afternoon trying to set it up, I came upon the following article, which I wanted to share, as it could potentially impact anyone considering the purchase of a HomePod or HomePod mini. Feel free to share with anyone who might benefit.

Buyer beware! Apparently Apple thinks it’s just fine to sell these things. I plan on returning mine, and will only buy another if the people at the Apple Store can definitively prove that it is running a more recent software version.

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Has anyone had experience pairing the wireless Bluetooth keyboard from Apple with an iPhone 4S? Thanks.
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Hello everyone,

I am having trouble entering text into edit fields in Safari. When I try, I turn quick nav off, type, and the keyboard types multiples of the same key. For example, I might type an a, and it will type a about 15 times. Before I go to the Apple Stoe, does anyone have any suggestions? The keyboard does not behave this way in other applications.

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Looks like Apple's long awaited charging mat has been canceled: hard to believe they gave up, but at least there are plenty of other options out there these days. --Pete
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Do not buy an iPHONE SE this week! I just talked to an Apple salesperson who told me why. The 64G SE is currently out of stock and will be discontinued.
But next week, it will be replaced with a 128GB iPHONE SE also for $499.

So, if you ordered an iPHONE SE for $499 today, you'd actually get a 64GB model when they are back in stock Friday.

But, she told me not to buy, because if I wait until next week, the same price $499 USD will buy the new 128GB model.

The 32GB SE for $399 has not changed.

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I just read a very sad article on the Verge stating that Apple is discontinuing the iPod Touch. For those of us who wanted an iPhone without the phone capabilities, this was a great device for many years. Many of us who use Voiceover don't need the full screen of an iPad and sometimes you just want a device which will not ring when you are reading a good book. As the article states, the writing for this decision was kind of on the wall as the last Touch was released in 2019. Still, I, for one, was hoping Apple would release a new Touch this year, but I guess that is not happening.

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Hello Everyone,

I have an important question for oyu all and it includes the following.

I received an Apple Home Pod, for ym Birthday several months ago, it has been super amazing, it's the regular full size unit, and this is my question. Is there an App that I can download on my phone that can help me adjust the base to my liking? Also, is there an App that I can download to my phone where I can change the pitch of the music? Anyway, if somebody can get back to me, I would greatly appreciate it to no end.

Thank you in advance,
Travis Sitler

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I am using a MacBook Pro and wanted an external keyboard, wired or wireless. I was looking for a keyboard that has all three: command, control, and option keys on either side of the space bar. Any recommendations?

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My very old laptop running on XP and Internet Explorer 8 is almost dying therefore I want to switch on to an Apple product. Due to my total blindness I rely only on voiceover/screenreader. I don't know the difference between Mac Bookair or Mac Bookair Pro, etc, etc. I will be very grateful if someone tell me which Apple laptop is really suitable for a totally blind person. Thank you for your help.

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Although I do not think I want to upgrade to an iPhone 7, I want the better audio experience that comes with the lightning earpods. Does someone know, if I buy the lightning earpods, will they work with my 6S? In fact, will the airpods work with my 6s? Thanks!

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I need to buy a pair of hearing aids and would like to is Costco for more reasonably priced models. Unfortunately, I am finding that the third-party apps are not ADA compliant and user-friendly. Does anyone have any advice or recommendations of which model will work with my iPhone? The choices seem to be between resound, Phillips, or sonic. Is there a specific make and model that would work best?

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I just purchased the Magic Apple Keyboard today and it's working great. I've noticed that I can't review my text when typing in a comment field on this site. I can use the right and left arrow keys, but the up/down keys do not give me any information. I have forgotten this device in settings, but the problem persists.

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Good day, does anyone have any experience as to whether one can use an Apple Pencil with the Magic trackpad? I am using a MacBook pro 2015 and the current version of OS.